Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Welp friends, Facebook told me to check this out. Low and behold, I DID want to check this infomercial out. I Operated on this commercial and believe it or not it was good fun! Yes, that’s Lisa Rinna. Yes, this is an eyelash growing serum that does not turn your eyes different colors. Intrigued, aren’t you? I knew it.

I got to use a gear head on this job (which as any of you production people know is not always a given) and for a portion of it (one of the product shots that’s all twisty turny and some of the twisty turny Lisa Rinna beauty shots) I got to combine the gear head with a dutch head. Now, doesn’t that make your brain question which way is up? (The answer is, yes, it does)

DP & Director Michael Huss

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Pregnancy Photo Shoot

A few of my favorites so far from a photo shoot I did a couple of weeks ago. It's been a lot of fun fine tuning these now that I've got some time on my hands. And we did them just in the nick of time...she's already had her baby!

There are times shooting when you know you've captured that moment. You know it before you see it play back. The top image was definitely one of those moments. It's a real treat when it happens. :)